• A romantic at heart
Josh has admitted to being a romantic person, using music to express the emotions that he normally wouldn't feel comfortable saying otherwise.

• Extraordinarily committed to his craft
Josh is a performer with a meticulous eye to detail. He spends hours learning the meaning of every song he records, perfecting the pronunciation of his foreign language songs, and working with the producer to ensure that the finished product is impeccable. He takes a very "hands-on" approach to all aspects of his music and his tour production.

• A family-centered person
Josh is very close to his parents, Jack and Lindy Groban, and his younger brother Chris. He credits them for keeping him grounded and centered, and always speaks of them in the most glowing terms. He calls Chris "the wisest person I know."

• A typical 20-something guy
Because of the classical influences in his music (which in the beginning appealed mostly to an older audience), some people have the mistaken impression that Josh is a suit-and-tie, pristine guy who acts more like a 50 year old than a 29 year old. Wrong! While Josh definitely has a maturity beyond his years and a load of discipline for someone his age, he enjoys the same things most 20-somethings do; He listens to Radiohead, Bjork, Depeche Mode, and the Afro-Celts, he likes Monty Python and South Park. He likes to hang out with his friends, surf the Internet, and play video games.

• Appreciative and devoted to his fans
Josh has said that at first, he wasn't sure what to think about fans calling themselves "Grobanites"... but that he's come to love it and see it as a really cool thing. He always shows his appreciation for the support he gets from his fans, and goes out of his way to maintain a connection with them. In one of his more famous interviews (the "infamous interview on the bed") he says of the Grobanites, "They're mine, and I'm theirs."

• Hysterically funny!
Josh has a very quick wit and a dry sense of humor, and he rarely takes himself seriously. He does some mean vocal impressions as well!


• An opera singer!!
Although he may one day decide to pursue a career in the opera world, he has said that at present he does not feel ready to sing opera music. He doesn't feel a need to label his music as any particular genre, leaving that up to the listener to decide. But he doesn't consider it "classical crossover"...and definitely not "popera!"

• A divo
Despite his success, Josh remains a very grounded, humble, and down-to-earth guy. He prefers staying home and watching movies to hitting the red carpet. He doesn't wear jewelry, dress in designer duds (except when the occasion calls for it), or flaunt his wealth like so many of his contemporaries. He's not a flashy kind of guy!

• Multilingual
Although Josh studies the songs he sings in Italian, French, and Spanish to make sure his pronunciation is perfect, he does not speak these languages fluently. He did take a few years of Japanese when he was in school.

• A performer who just wants to "entertain the people"
Josh has said that, for him, singing is his way of communicating feelings that he otherwise wouldn't be able to show. His gift for interpreting song lyrics and conveying profound emotion in his performance is part of what sets him apart from other performers his age.

Now for the fun stuff. . . Silly, Useless Josh Trivia »